Starbucks Commitment To Anti-Racism

It’s not enough to “not be racist”, our humanity demands that we be anti-racist. 

Creating a culture of warmth and belonging, where everyone is welcome has long been core to the Mission and Values at Starbucks. 

Hate and discrimination have no place at Starbucks. The company is committed to promoting racial equity and justice, and knows this work begins with itself first. Living its Mission and Values, Starbucks has been listening, reflecting and acting — the company continues to be accountable, learning every single day. And while the company has made progress forward, the truth is that there is much more to do.

In 2020, Starbucks Canada built its Anti-Racism Action Plan to hold itself accountable to be anti-racist and to support its broader efforts to advance inclusion, diversity, equity and justice. This plan includes:

Support for current and future partners

  • Dedicated I&D focus on providing Canadian partners centralized information, resources and support.
  • Ongoing and specialized support to all Partner Networks including a Canadian Partner Network Playbook and integrated programming to help accelerate and amplify their voices and collaboration.
  • Continued enhancements of our talent approach including our hiring and selection process committing to improved representation at all levels.

Support for our communities 

  • Supporting communities through our partner (employee) volunteering programs.
  • Including BIPOC-owned businesses in the RFP (request for proposal) process and requiring our suppliers do the same. 
  • Investment in the future of Canada’s Black Youth, creating a mentorship program together with the Black Business and Professional Association (BBPA) and the Canadian Mentoring Partnership (CMP).

Educating within to be anti-racist

  • Intentional Inclusion & Diversity learning and development plan for Canada focusing on raising awareness of bias and racial inequities, including a Courageous Conversations series to listen and learn from I&D guest speakers and practitioners.
  • Partnering with external organizations and experts to support learning and development.
  • Enabling leaders to host courageous conversations with their teams with resources and discussion guides such as a guide on Becoming an Advocate that mirrors the company’s development principles and is destined to all partners.
  • Offering the De-escalation through Our Mission & Values training to all store managers in Canada to help partners make decisions that prioritize the safety of partners and customers through empathy and understanding to contribute to a welcoming third place.
  • Rolling out an inclusive leadership training conceived to build an inclusive and diverse talent approach for all Canadian people leaders.
  • Offering partners and customers free access to the “To Be Welcoming” curriculum on Starbucks Global Academy, designed in partnership with Arizona State University, which focuses on addressing implicit bias through understanding the human experience.

Zero-tolerance for discrimination

  • Starbucks publishes its principles on upholding the third place. This public statement, which can be found in all of our stores, describes the key principles and responsibilities of creating a welcoming space for all, including our zero-tolerance position on discrimination.

In everything Starbucks does in this work, the company strives to be grounded in transparency, accountability and taking meaningful action. Our work is far from complete, but Starbucks will not be a bystander. Ever.

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