How Starbucks is Taking a Stand Against Anti-Black Racism

Starbucks Canada has published its anti-racism plan internally for its partners (employees) following the company’s commitment to combat inequality and stand and take action against racism with an immediate focus on anti-Black racism.
Starbucks recognizes that it’s simply not enough to “not be racist” but instead, the company is focused on being anti-racist, holding itself and its leaders accountable for achieving anti-racism goals set out for the company.
While the company will focus immediately on anti-Black racism through its broader inclusion and diversity strategy, Starbucks Canada will take action inside and outside of the company to be a model for inclusion and diversity in Canada.
Starbucks Canada’s anti-racism plan includes the following commitments and actions:
Support for current and future partners
- Creating dedicated Inclusion and Diversity focus for Canada
- Supporting Black Partner Networks and other affinity groups in the company including the Pan-Asian Partner Network, PRIDE Alliance and Indigenous Partner Network
- Review and enhance hiring and selection processes, including integrating a diversity segment into talent discussions and committing to improved representation at all management levels
Support for the Black community
- Funding community programming focused on Black youth
- Support for Black-owned businesses
- Dedicated community service
Educating within to be anti-racist
- Launched a Courageous Conversations speaker series for partners
- Making anti-bias training mandatory annually
- Celebrating diversity through partner and customer-facing events

In addition to launching its action plan, the company has also partnered with its Black Partner Network and allies to create and make Black Lives Matter t-shirts available to every store partner in Canada as a demonstration of its allyship.
Starbucks will continue to work with its Black Partner Network, community leaders and organizations to understand the positive role it can play in showing up for its communities.
For more information on the steps Starbucks is taking to address racial inequity, click here.